
The one Business platform managing online and local repair orders plus ecommerce shop

Explore a world of creative solutions and innovation tailored to your needs.

Discover Our Features

We offer a range of exceptional features designed to shape your vision and create unique experiences that stand out.

Our Unique Value Proposition

Discover what sets us apart and makes us the ideal choice for your business management.



We thrive on innovation, continually exploring new ideas and pushing creative boundaries to deliver unique solutions.



Our team of seasoned professionals brings unmatched expertise to every project, ensuring quality and excellence.



We value collaboration, fostering partnerships and teamwork that result in groundbreaking solutions.

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Connect with us to explore how we can make your vision a reality. Join us in shaping the future.


POINT OF SALE (Admin panel)

Create a repair order
Update this order by adding products
Enter customer details name or search from database
Insert the cost of repair parts
Insert the amount you charged the customer (will auto calculate your profit)
Add discount price or shipping fee (not required)
Insert internal note like phone passcode and external message to customer
Mark full paid or money advance (will auto calculate due amount)
Share order tracking link to customer
Update the order status from in process to complete and from not delivered to delivered when the customer collect the device

eCommerce (Front website)

Add categories, brands and products
Add delivering method with and without fee
Add common payment methods (Stripe, PayPal …)
After the customer have added products in cart he will enter his personal and delivering informaion then pay
Multi language supported
Multi currencies supported
Products description and reviews
Similar products or bought together
Tawk live chat messenger

Manage income and expenses

Label and Barcode generation
All Printers sizes supported
Digital Signature in all invoices
Add company Expenses
Customers and team management

More admin features

Widget to buy Customer products online
Generate reports per day, month, year and custom date and time
Generate reports per categories (Sales, repairs, refunds, custom bills…)
App customization logo and name
More features are available …